Funny names for cats, funny pet names, funny dog names

List of funny names which are perfectly fit to your pet.

167 Funny names:

  • Albert Feline-stein

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    Best name for a cat.... ever.

    Submitted by: bored08099 at 30.07.2008

  • Albey

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    Because its such a cool name and pretty random too.

    Submitted by: Georgie at 08.06.2007

  • Angel

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    I like this name because we named our 6 year old chihuahua Angel. She is and Angel to us and a devil to anyone else. I told someone we named her devil and they believed us! :~)

    Submitted by: dcluver at 15.06.2007

  • Asik

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    Pronounced (ass-ick) sounds cool

    Submitted by: Anonymous at 04.06.2009

  • Askim

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male

    When someone asks "whats the dog's name?" you say "Askim". lol

    Submitted by: T-Ferguson at 27.12.2008

  • Bawana Fana Foe Filly

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    It's my nickname for my cuz dogs, it's so silly and cute. lol

    Submitted by: Lileh at 03.10.2009

  • Bella Bella Buttcheeks

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    Bella has the cutest bumm.

    Submitted by: Yorkie lady at 02.08.2007

  • Billy Bob Joe Franklin

    Category: Pet - Gender: Male

    Because its funny and cute.

    Submitted by: fsugirl:) at 26.11.2008

  • Bobo Frisky Nubbins

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male

    It has a nice ring to it don't you think?

    Submitted by: WP at 07.01.2009

  • Bong-Queesha

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    we just like that name LOL [=

    Submitted by: BONG-quesha macaroni party!!!! at 07.06.2007

  • Boo Boo McGraw

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    I called my boxer this one day and it just kind of stuck because she is so silly.

    Submitted by: Sandy at 18.11.2009

  • Boobie

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    Yea. I Know It Is Weird Name. But Since I Named My Cat Booie My Brother Had To Copy Me And Call His Cat Boobie.

    Submitted by: Jenny at 05.05.2007

  • Boobos

    Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex

    It will be good for puppies that you can't think of a name for right away.

    Submitted by: ghui at 24.09.2007


    Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex

    we named our lab Boo from the Monster Inc Movie. Then it went to Booger. She answerd to 3 diff. names. BOO, BOOGER, AND BOOBOO, go figure!

    Submitted by: Kandy at 29.07.2007

  • Bud Wieser

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male

    It's funny.

    Submitted by: Bud at 29.04.2007

  • Buddy

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male

    buddy is a name for a BIG dog that loves kids and is playful my friend has one and she brought it to my house before he is SO COOL!!:)

    Submitted by: gavin_lover at 21.05.2007

  • BugBug

    Category: Cat - Gender: Female

    She Used To Bug You While You Were Sleeping At Night. So You Would Pet Her.

    Submitted by: Jenny at 05.05.2007

  • Bunbun / Bunny

    Category: Cat - Gender: Female

    When A Kitten She Used To Hop Around Like A Wittle Rabbit!

    Submitted by: Jenny at 05.05.2007

  • Burnt Bacon on a Sunday Morning

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male

    It is halarious!!!

    Submitted by: b.b.o.a.s.m. at 07.02.2009

  • Burnt Marshmallow Creme Puff

    Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex

    Well our dog was black and very puffy and he looked like a burnt marshmallow

    Submitted by: sweet lil dana at 04.06.2008


    Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex


    Submitted by: CURLY at 29.08.2007

  • Captain Cuddle Wuddles

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    My silky terrier is a cuddle machine.

    Submitted by: jessica the fuzzy munchkin at 21.09.2009

  • Captin Cudles

    Category: Pet - Gender: Unisex

    Its awesome

    Submitted by: jim at 13.08.2008

  • Cha Cha

    Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex

    Its a cute funny name for a Fun sorta Cat! :)

    Submitted by: =] at 21.01.2008

  • Chairman Mouse Tse Tounge

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    I see there is another Chairman Meow here, but we spell ours a little bit differently. Ours has the evidence of what Chairman Mou had for dinner... ;-)

    Submitted by: Racer Girl at 16.09.2008

  • Charweena

    Category: Cat - Gender: Female

    Her name was Charles and then we found out it was a female cat. So we just named her Charweena! =)

    Submitted by: Michelle at 30.09.2007

  • Chee, Chea

    Category: Pet - Gender: Unisex

    I love it its so cute!!

    Submitted by: Chee Chee at 03.12.2008

  • Chemopolie

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    When She Was A Kitten She Used To Roll Over On Her Back. Like A Little Rollypolie. And She Lookes Like A China Cat. So Chemo+Polie = Chemopolie

    Submitted by: Jenny at 05.05.2007

  • Chigger

    Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex

    Cute name for a small dog. Will definitely get your attention if you have one.

    Submitted by: Kay at 08.06.2007

  • Chubby

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    It is just funny and playful.

    Submitted by: Anonymous at 04.06.2007

  • Ci-a-tee

    Category: Cat - Gender: Female

    Ciatee / Ciaty / Siatee / Siaty. I don't really know how to spell it, but my friend's cousin or something has a cat named Ciaty. (I think that's how you spell it.) It's kinda like Sadie, but it's C-A-T. Ciaty! Isn't it great? lol

    Submitted by: Anonymous at 22.03.2009

  • Cleocatra

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    Its just funny.

    Submitted by: moi at 14.11.2009

  • Corky

    Category: Pet - Gender: Male

    It sounds like a funny name.

    Submitted by: Lucy at 22.07.2009

  • Count Vanhelsing the 13th

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male

    I don't know why my dad named the dog this name. I just know the thirteen part because his favorite number is 13

    Submitted by: Billy at 18.05.2009

  • Cuggles

    Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex

    Because it sounds all cudderly ans it cute x

    Submitted by: dani_08 at 30.06.2008

  • Dan Druff

    Category: Pet - Gender: Unisex


    Submitted by: Justin at 29.04.2007

  • Deeogee

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male

    We couldn't think of a name so we just spelled out dog.

    Submitted by: Anonymous at 24.03.2008

  • Dejazaylatiquajingleheimerschim

    Category: Cat - Gender: Female

    My friend and I were playing this game, and we came up with this name. It is epicly awesome. =]

    Submitted by: Dejazay at 16.02.2009

  • Dinsdale, Gumby, Elsie

    Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex

    Named a lot of pets after Monty Phython charaters... These are just a few we came up with!

    Submitted by: Ybo at 30.10.2007

  • Dirty Duke

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    This was the name of one of my male cats who was Siamese. I was going to originally name him Dirty Harry after the Clint Eastwood character but he reminded me more of royalty so he ended up with Dirty Duke

    Submitted by: Sherry at 06.10.2007

  • Doo Doo Stains

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female


    Submitted by: amar at 31.08.2008


    Category: Cat - Gender: Female


    Submitted by: CRICKET at 05.05.2008

  • Drunk

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    Because this name is a funny and most enjoyable name

    Submitted by: bexi at 18.05.2007

  • Duckie

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    Because its canda funny =)

    Submitted by: Sophy at 27.10.2007

  • Dum-bish

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    Because its a good name for a dumb female dog.

    Submitted by: Anonymous at 28.10.2007

  • Earmuffs

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    I thought it was cute.. plus my cat is named MailBox.. soo.. it just fit. And we call her muffy for short!

    Submitted by: tam at 28.04.2008

  • Eenis

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male

    Nothing gets more strange looks than calling, "Here, Eenis!"

    Submitted by: LostinMidwest at 04.01.2010

  • Ernie Tinklepaugh

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    We adopted our cat from the local shelter, they said his name was Ernie but evidently no one ever bothered to tell him that, he had no clue what his name was. So after A LOT of ideas (flop, yammer, buddy, kramer...) my fiance mentioned that he had a childhood friend whose last name was Tinklepaugh - and it was perfect! Most of the time we just call him Tink for short.

    Submitted by: Tinklepaugh, tink at 25.02.2008

  • Fatso bus stop

    Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex

    I saw a cat in a vet\'s office with this name. Perfect!

    Submitted by: Mona at 20.09.2007

  • Fatty Patty

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    My cats real name is Bear.. Because she looks like one but she is fat too so she has two names.

    Submitted by: shortea at 06.12.2008

  • Fluffy Funny Buns

    Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex

    i just think thats the cutest name for a silly, small, fluffy dog! Like maybe a pomeranian.

    Submitted by: funniedoggie at 01.07.2009

  • Frappucino

    Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex

    It just sounds so cute. You can call it Frappy for short. Aww!

    Submitted by: gogreen93 at 29.09.2008

  • Fugly

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male

    I have a Neapolitan Mastiff named Moose. I love him to death, he's my boy ... but he is soooo "F------ Ugly".

    Submitted by: Danny of Adelaide at 28.12.2009

  • Funt Bud Due

    Category: Cat - Gender: Female

    because it's funny

    Submitted by: poo at 10.12.2007

  • Futssy

    Category: Cat - Gender: Female

    Because i think this name is cute for a cat like pussy but now its futssy.

    Submitted by: Gitta at 31.10.2007

  • Fuzzmuffin

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    Funny!! I had a cat named fuzzmuffin we called her fuzzers and muffy.

    Submitted by: I <3>

  • Gizzo

    Category: Pet - Gender: Unisex

    Because it is cool! :)

    Submitted by: aaa at 15.11.2009

  • Gretchin

    Category: Cat - Gender: Female

    Cats, being lowly, spiteful creatures, get such ignoble names around my house.

    Submitted by: LostinMidwest at 04.01.2010

  • Ham

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male

    I think its cute, I named my little staffy x rotti ham, and my friends think its awesome!

    Submitted by: Ashleeeee at 17.10.2007

  • Hamster

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male

    Oh, can you imagine the faces...!*hysterics*

    Submitted by: Animal-Adorer at 31.08.2007

  • Happy Poop

    Category: Pet - Gender: Male


    Submitted by: bob at 29.08.2007

  • Homer

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male

    If your dog is rather fat and his rotation is not very active.

    Submitted by: Bud at 29.04.2007

  • Hoops

    Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex

    If your cat does hoops or is funny.

    Submitted by: Becca Lynn at 14.08.2007

  • Jimmy Choo

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    Because jimmy choo's are very popular shoes and he has white paws that look like shoes and he choose on ur fingers

    Submitted by: choo choo at 19.05.2007

  • Justin Case

    Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex


    Submitted by: Justin at 29.04.2007

  • Justin Hale

    Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex


    Submitted by: Justin at 29.04.2007

  • Justin Time

    Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex


    Submitted by: Justin at 29.04.2007

  • Kanga The Aussie Roo

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    I have a female Australian shepherd and couldn't think of a cute one and this just popped up because she hops around.

    Submitted by: Kanga at 07.11.2008

  • KGB - The Kitten of Grandjure and Beautry

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    This was my cats father, he was the coolest cat ever.

    Submitted by: Jakobe at 05.09.2008

  • Kitty Kitty Bang Bang

    Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex

    A great variation on a favorite movie!

    Submitted by: ToeKnee at 23.10.2009

  • Korky

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    Its a great cat name.

    Submitted by: Anonymous at 18.05.2007

  • Kozmo

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male

    Because he is the dog that causes the most trouble.

    Submitted by: A at 09.01.2008

  • Lady Boy

    Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex

    So funny i could laugh my head off when meat lady boy cat who lives in yorkshire!!! luv u!!

    Submitted by: hjhjhjhj at 30.04.2008

  • Larry

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    Now there's a unique name. What? Have YOU ever heard of a cat named Larry? What a riot!

    Submitted by: Dragonfly at 07.12.2008

  • Leedle

    Category: Pet - Gender: Unisex

    I had a bird that I named Leedle and I made up this word and its such a fun thing to say Leedle Leedle!!

    Submitted by: Leedle bug at 03.12.2008

  • Lieutenant Barkers

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male

    I think it is funny.

    Submitted by: edizz at 23.09.2008

  • Little Bunny Poo Poo

    Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex

    From Little Bunny Foo Foo. I know, it's genius.

    Submitted by: FANPIRE at 22.11.2008

  • LULO

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    Our 5 year came up with this name for the rottweiler we adopted 3 years ago. The first time we took her to our vet, he asked if she was named Lulo because she squats when she goes to the bathroom. It's funny that he said that because she does squat down very low when she goes potty!

    Submitted by: My2Boys at 26.08.2007

  • Mark

    Category: Cat - Gender: Female

    Because i've heard of a female cat named mark before. It's unique and funny and thats why I decided to name her Mark.

    Submitted by: marcus groeniga at 13.08.2009

  • Master flash

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male


    Submitted by: Hayce at 21.09.2007

  • Maxy Waxy

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male

    I had a cat that was waxy

    Submitted by: Jonny at 24.12.2008

  • Meow meow

    Category: Cat - Gender: Female

    Because its funny, and cute.

  • Mini Me

    Category: Pet - Gender: Male

    It is a cute and funny name for your kitty.

  • Moo

    Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex

    When i got my lill puppy he looked like a lill cow and moo just kinda stuck.

  • Mr. Balls

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male

    I've always had weird pet names. It's funny when you call "Mr. Balls. C'mere, Mr. Balls!"

  • Mr. Fluffykins

    Category: Pet - Gender: Male

    My hamster is overly fluffy, hes always getting things stuck in his hair and looks 3 times bigger than he really is. When i give him a bath i have to make sure i get all of his hair away from his feel or else he stumbles on it...And he live for quite a while maybe just maybe its good luck (Don't give this name to a fish... bad outcomes)

    Submitted by: StephyG at 27.11.2007

  • Mr. Fuffy Pants

    Category: Pet - Gender: Female

    Because it is very funny.

    Submitted by: amber at 16.06.2008

  • Mr. Pickles

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    I got it out of a book... its cute

    Submitted by: a person at 04.05.2007

  • Mr. Puddy Foot

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male

    I find it a cute and interseting name =)

    Submitted by: Helloo =) at 30.07.2008

  • Mr. Pussykins

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    Our cats nickname is this....and because it's's pronounced (Mister. Puss-i-kins)...haha...yes i know i know he doesn't have a hmhmm, but he is a pussycat!!

    Submitted by: pussykinsmommy at 11.11.2008

  • Mr. Sillywillybear

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male


    Submitted by: ?????? at 25.03.2008

  • Mr. Tum Tum Bumble Butt

    Category: Pet - Gender: Male

    Is this not the funniest and cutest name you've ever heard?

    Submitted by: ISHMELLE at 24.05.2008

  • Mr. Whisker Poo-Poo

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    He's a very gassy cat! It was a joke name that never quite went away.

    Submitted by: Poo's Mom at 11.01.2010

  • Mr.Pickles Noddle Snyder

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    lol I thought the guy off of "elmos world" was named mr pickles and my cat remined me of him so i named him Mr. Pickles But it urned out that hes name was Mr. Noddle i didnt want to change hes name because i got so use to it so i just add noodle. :D

    Submitted by: Pickles at 12.03.2008

  • MumMite

    Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex

    This is a funny name.

    Submitted by: sherbine at 25.10.2008

  • Mushka

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    I like this name because its very different to any name i've heard before.

    Submitted by: keri at 17.10.2007

  • Neit Ballsack

    Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex

    Very funny for a fixed or female cat!

    Submitted by: Mister Mofo at 29.05.2008

  • Nermal

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    Because in the comics, Nermal is the cutest kitten in the world and to me that's what my cat is!

    Submitted by: #22nermal at 08.04.2009

  • Niggity Nate!

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male

    It is a cute name for really any kind of dog but we named our pitbull this.

    Submitted by: Niggity Nate's owner! at 12.07.2008

  • Norm, Norman Bates

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    When my friend got her cat, their family tried in vain to think of a name that fit him. One day when i was over there I saw him running down the hall sideways. I told her she should call him Norman Bates since he was kind of Psycho. It's fit prefectly.

    Submitted by: Ybo at 30.10.2007

  • nUe-nUe

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    nUe-nUe aka New New. If you got a female and she looks beautiful this is the name for her. My girl is one of the biggest and would out look any other female.

    Submitted by: TiP at 10.12.2008

  • One-Hung-Lo

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male

    When we got our little pekingese puppy, his little tummy dragged the floor. Because of this, we decided to name him "One-Hung-Lo" since this breed, afterall, originated from Ancient China.

    Submitted by: Anonymous at 02.01.2009

  • Orville

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    I think its a cute name for a cat any cat type, my cat loves his name!

    Submitted by: orvy at 15.07.2007

  • Peanut

    Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex

    If you have a big dog :)

    Submitted by: Nora at 29.04.2007

  • Peenpoopalota

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    I choose this name for my my dog because she pooped and pead alover the house and it was impossible to train her not to destroy the house like that!! everyone laughed when i told them her name but it suited her right??

    Submitted by: short white girl at 20.06.2007

  • Pennyapoo

    Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex

    Because the bags cost 1p that i clean up with.

    Submitted by: anonymous at 30.10.2007

  • Pilot Inspector

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    My husband was searching on line for funny names people really give their children and this REALLY is a little boys name...somewhere. So, now it's the name of our kitty. He's adorable (we have 3, they all have cool names)

    Submitted by: Danish pie at 26.07.2008

  • Piper

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    Funny story, at first we thought he was a girl so...

    Submitted by: Chas at 18.09.2007

  • Poo Poo

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    Our cats real name is Jaxon but when he was a kitten i called him Jaxy poo poo and the poo poo just stuck. He wont even come to you if you call him Jaxon now.

    Submitted by: angeechicken at 04.05.2007

  • Pookie

    Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex

    It cute and funny, i love it.. and it sounds pookie. haha

    Submitted by: dani_08 at 30.06.2008

  • Poop Digger

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    Its the name of my lil puppy!

    Submitted by: Ninja at 25.01.2009

  • Poop Licker

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male

    well, he would ALWAYS run to the toilet, lick it, then poop, then eat his poop =] haha seriously we might've named him poopsie but we named his sis that.

    Submitted by: POOPSICLE at 07.06.2007

  • Pooper-Scooper-Wooper

    Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex


    Submitted by: ??? at 13.05.2009

  • Poopoolot

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    Cause they poop a lot.

    Submitted by: tara at 05.11.2007

  • PrettyKitty / FancyPants

    Category: Pet - Gender: Female

    I got a white cat who has one blue eye and one green eye and it was by complete accident that PrettyKitty stuck. We called her that while we were thinking of a name but she only answers to PrettyKitty. I also had a hampster that was all gray but had a small white patch on her chest which resembled a tux so she was all dressed fancy = FancyPants P.s. I like weird names. I gave up naming my mouse because he wont answer to it so his name is MouseyFace...

    Submitted by: Natasha at 08.07.2008

  • Princess Blossom Pepper Doodle Von Yum Yum

    Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex

    because you know this is the cutest name ever!!! =]

    Submitted by: ninky at 26.06.2008

  • Princess Koko Cupcake

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    I just started calling my dog named koko that :)

    Submitted by: spriteyo at 09.07.2009

  • Princess Petunia Red Tipped Banana Fanny aka Tippy

    Category: Cat - Gender: Female

    This is the name my grandson just gave our Flame Point kitten.

    Submitted by: Marcy at 05.06.2007

  • Pudding cup

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    Because i think it would be hilarious to have a chubby rolly poley brown cat named pudding cup.

    Submitted by: Puddy at 22.10.2008

  • Pusskiees

    Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex

    Well, i have a cat...a pussy cat...and i have noticed that he only answers to a name ending in i put the two together...and created PUSSKIEES...=D

    Submitted by: Loftmonster91 at 08.06.2007

  • Queef

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    Because our little maltese was constantly running around letting out little queefs with every step.

    Submitted by: FuddyDuddy at 22.05.2008

  • Quentin Tabbytino

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    Just a fun name for a cat

    Submitted by: sharkbait at 20.03.2009

  • Ratapooie

    Category: Pet - Gender: Male

    It's funny

    Submitted by: kid at 11.06.2009

  • Rin-Klee

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male

    If you've got a Shar Pei, name it this. Cause Shar Pei is a Chinese breed,and this name sounds Chinese,and Shar Peis are really wrinkly. So,add a Chinese slant to Wrinkly, cause Wrinkly sounds bad, so not very useable, and make Rin-Klee, which is cool!

    Submitted by: Dog-lover at 09.06.2007

  • Rosterykittenhead

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    Because its a great funny name.

    Submitted by: Anonymous at 08.09.2007

  • Sandwich Cheesebooger

    Category: Cat - Gender: Female

    Sandwich is her first name Cheesebooger is her middle name, its just funny!

    Submitted by: Anonymous at 09.10.2007

  • Scooter Dooter Please Don't Neuter

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male

    I had 4 black Lab females and Scooter was the only male in the bunch. He loved "his girls". So everytime he "was bad", instead of just calling him Scooter, I called him Scooter Dooter Please Don't Neuter!!!

    Submitted by: Lablover505 at 09.01.2009


    Category: Cat - Gender: Female

    This is the name that my cousin gave her first kitten, shiggy-wiggy is the first name, two middle names, because she had two... woo-woo, and snicklefritz and her last name. It was cute because she wasn't very old to have such a long name come rambling out of her.

    Submitted by: cjla at 09.09.2007

  • ShiverPiddles

    Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex

    For dogs that always shiver and piddle everywhere...

    Submitted by: sharkbait at 20.03.2009

  • Shnugerboogerbookiepants

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male

    Wellll.....bc it's funny.

    Submitted by: you know at 03.09.2008

  • Sir Crappy Nappy Leg Humper Vibrator the 1st

    Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex

    I was bored and wanted to make someone rotfl (ROLL ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING).

    Submitted by: Anonymous at 30.11.2009

  • Sir Fartzalot

    Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex

    My dog farts a lot.

    Submitted by: Mal at 04.06.2008

  • Sir Forest Gumpy

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male

    Gumpy is 5 months old Golden Retriver and weights 60 lb. His body is to big for his age, he is very gumpy, but smart as a whip.

    Submitted by: love my yorkies and my G.R at 31.05.2008

  • Sir Friskypoopycittycrispybutt

    Category: Cat - Gender: Female

    it is hilarious

    Submitted by: anne at 01.05.2008

  • Sir Retard of the fu fu fluffington palace of dork

    Category: Cat - Gender: Female

    because its the cuttest name i have ever heard of sike.

    Submitted by: kitty crispies at 22.04.2008

  • Slim

    Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex

    When my cat ran away or as we thought i was searching for one new cat well i found two cats i fell in love with both. one was named slim. Slim was 25 pounds.

    Submitted by: V.M.B. at 09.12.2007

  • Smokey

    Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex

    Smokey, because when our cat lola had kittens and a kitten looked like i just came out of smoke and his eyes are black!

    Submitted by: smoke at 31.05.2007

  • Snuffle Muffin

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    Too cute! hahaha

    Submitted by: Anonymous at 09.09.2007

  • Socks

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    Well my cat is called socks because he's all black but has little white paws like a pair of little socks.

    Submitted by: sOphiE at 23.06.2009

  • Spider Pig

    Category: Cat - Gender: Female

    People don't see it coming its a cat named after a pig!!! How GNARLY!!!

    Submitted by: super jessica cheese puffs at 27.11.2007

  • Squeeble

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    I made up this word and then i got a i named him squeeble becuase well..idk...its a funny name!!(sk-wee-ble) its an awsome kitty name!

    Submitted by: squeeble my nee-ble at 31.12.2008

  • Squeekie Bum

    Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex


    Submitted by: Lala at 08.07.2008

  • Squiggy

    Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex


    Submitted by: YO at 24.09.2007

  • Sr. Poops a lot

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male

    If you have a dog that likes to, well, poop A LOT!!!!!!! then this will be a perfect dog name for him. If this is to cheesy for a real dog name, then use it as a nick name.

    Submitted by: Carly at 09.02.2009

  • Stallion

    Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex

    If you have a small pug.

    Submitted by: Nora at 29.04.2007

  • Stanley Cupp

    Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex

    If your dog likes NHL.

    Submitted by: Gorman at 29.04.2007

  • Sue Jeu

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    French variation ;)

    Submitted by: Bud at 29.04.2007

  • Sue Yu

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    For japanese dogs.

    Submitted by: Bud at 29.04.2007

  • Tac-Sniffles

    Category: Cat - Gender: Unisex

    Tac=cat and its cute but funny.I adopted a litte and am naming it Tac or Sniffles. It got real sick and had had to wait 3 weeks for it. Sniffles is cute and funny.I still havent got it yet but thirsdays the big day. I also reccomend it to be fixed cause you dont get a cat fixed it gets pregnent and 10 more cats thrown on the street.

    Submitted by: carebear at 08.10.2007

  • Tater

    Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex

    Gimme your tots! No jk but it's very funny ... And if your dog likes tots ...

    Submitted by: Mr mofo at 29.05.2008

  • toejam

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    I found this pit puppy one day and i was chacing him and stumped my toe and i yelled he turned around like he thought it was funny well i went to the dotor come to find out i jamed my big toe so that day on i call him toe jam

    Submitted by: bubble gum at 13.12.2007

  • Tootsie

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    I named my dog this and it fits her perfectly!

    Submitted by: Ruthy at 02.05.2007

  • Truman Catpootie

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    Has a tiny little voice like Truman Capote. He's a little bitty, prissy cat. And he poots all the time!!!

    Submitted by: Truman's mom at 11.01.2010

  • Tumbleweed

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    This is the coolest name ever... we have Gray Kitty, Fuzzy Kitty, Smalish Cat and TUMBLEWEED, he is the only cat that got a name that didn\'t come from what he looked like! We call him Tumble for short.

    Submitted by: Rjyn at 04.10.2007

  • Turbo Cat

    Category: Cat - Gender: Female

    It's a pretty cool name while all my friends cats are call archie or lulu mine sounds like a super hero no its a super cat ...yes is turbo cat!! lol

    Submitted by: lesam at 06.09.2007

  • Turd

    Category: Pet - Gender: Male

    From the Saturday Night Live skit where "Burt Reynolds" changes his name to Turd Ferguson in "Celebrity Jeopardy". This is my Budgie's name. When he is on my shoulder, it's fun to say "I HAVE A TURD ON MY SHOULDER."

    Submitted by: xxwaldo at 23.05.2008

  • Von Mr. kitten Flash Rolf Flag Alan II

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    Its funny, Mr kitten 4 short

    Submitted by: bryan at 02.07.2009

  • Waddles

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    Thats my babys name. .. We named him waddles because he was really fat and when he walked it looked like he was waddle-ing (i cant spell lol)

    Submitted by: fizzy at 07.09.2007

  • Waldo

    Category: Pet - Gender: Unisex

    This way when you call for your animal, you will say "Wheres Waldo", haha its so funny :D

    Submitted by: Rachel and Sasha at 09.11.2009

  • Whatamess

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    Well its cute and always funny when the pet answers to it!

    Submitted by: ratalat at 26.01.2008

  • White boy

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    We have a lazy fluffball named White Boy...not being racist or anything...but it just fits him perfectly!

    Submitted by: kittycat321 at 06.10.2007

  • Woof

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male

    He'll be able to say his own name if you call him this.

    Submitted by: Dog-lover at 09.06.2007

  • Woof

    Category: Dog - Gender: Male

    Very funny and ironic (i think)

    Submitted by: Anonymous at 11.10.2007

  • Yoo-Hoo

    Category: Dog - Gender: Unisex

    Fur the color of the drink Yoo-Hoo and its easy to call for him. Yoo Hoo come here.

    Submitted by: Anonymous at 22.02.2008

  • Yummy

    Category: Cat - Gender: Male

    I asked my kids what they thought of the cat. Yummy was the best they could come up with.

    Submitted by: me at 05.09.2007

  • ZooZoo

    Category: Dog - Gender: Female

    I don\'t know why I like this name. This name is not in a name book.

    Submitted by: ZooZee at 18.09.2007

Funny names for cats, funny pet names, funny dog names Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown